How can European industry be both competitive and sustainable? At the conference RePowering the Industry key actors will share their thoughts and plans for net zero emissions, and one of the keynotes is Power Circle’s CEO Johanna Lakso. She will speak about the fast electrification and how the energy sector can enable the growth of green industries.
To reach the Paris Agreement goals this calls for large reductions in carbon emissions. Industrial decarbonization generates challenges however also new values with novel technology development and the ongoing energy transition.
The Swedish Energy Agency and Swedish TSO, Svenska Kraftnät, have presented future power demand based on long-term electrification scenarios, and the scenarios indicate an increase from 160 TWh today to 300-350 TWh by 2050. The majority of the increased demand in the scenarios is based on forcasts from the industry sector. Both established industries that are going through an transformation and new industries are predicted to use a lot of electricity moving forward. To put the increased electricity demand in the scenarios into perspective, the demand in Sweden has been around 140 TWh for the last 30 years.
– There is still a big uncertainty regarding the development of the power demand. It will depend on a lot of factors such as electricity prices, access to grid capacity and policy development. To make the transition possible, new ways of collaboration between the industries and the energy sector are now being explored says Johanna Lakso, CEO at Power Circle.
There is a codependency between use, production, and expansion of the electricity grid. To cope with the increased demand, the energy sector is transforming their ways of working to provide sufficient power to all industries. This generates new synergies and creates new formats of collaborations between stakeholders. It also promotes the development of new technology and brings together actors to establish new markets that focus on flexible demand.
– We now see a rapid development of new energy services to address the challenges that this universal energy transition brings. The EU policy is moving forward quickly to provide the right conditions for investments and the energy markets. I’m looking forward to get some insight into how some of the key actors are taking their next steps in this transition, says Johann Lakso, CEO at Power Circle.
Get a ticket for the conference RePower the Industry here.
About RePowering the Industry
During the conference RePowering the Industry, participants will get a glimpse of the transformation and discuss questions like What is required for the European industries to accelerate electrification? What are the possible technological applications? And How can European industries stay competitive during the transition?
When: 13:00-17:00, 30th of May
Where: Uppsala konsert och Kongress, Sweden and online.
Price: Free of charge
The conference is organized by the Swedish Energy Agency in connection to the CETPartnership´s General Assembly meeting in Sweden following the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. More information and signup to the event can be found here.
Power Circle samlar energibranschen kring viktiga framtidsfrågor. Tillsammans med våra cirka 100 partnerföretag verkar Power Circle för att accelerera den hållbara utvecklingen genom elektrifiering. Verksamheten inriktas på att bygga nätverk och kunskap inom framtidsfrågor som smarta elnät, flexibilitet, energilager och elektrifierade transporter.