2021-09-06 11:00Nyheter

New cross-border event to accelerate electrification of transport in the Nordics and UK

Join forces with colleagues in the e-mobility sectors in Norway, Sweden and the UK on the 12th of October, for an online full-day event packed with presentations from cutting-edge innovators, fruitful discussions and best practices around electrification of transport and electric vehicle charging solutions. Register for UK-Nordic EV Hub 2021

The transition to electrification of transport has begun to secure a foothold of success in many nations to support ambitious policy goals around carbon reductions from road transport. In Norway, the share of plug-in vehicle sales reached over 80 % in 2021 and a positive trend of increased EV sales can be seen in both Sweden and the UK. 

The automotive and power industry have historically had no link or dependency, so a challenge for all countries is to understand how to develop the relationship between these sectors. With EV sales skyrocketing, the build-out of charging infrastructure must keep up the pace and must be supported by the electricity grid. While still in the early days of electrification, every country will face different challenges and need solutions to enable the fast development. 

The UK-Nordic EV Hub sets out to support the accelerated deployment of EVs across the Nordics and UK by bringing together key actors from across this domain for a sharing and learning event to gain insights into four topics:

  • Access to charging in urban areas
  • Charging of commercial fleets
  • Vehicle-to-grid & smart charging
  • Wireless and automatic charging

No two countries are alike in the way their energy systems are structured, their societal characteristics, or their adoption rate of plug-in vehicles. Therefore, learning from differences and different approaches has great value and could lead to significantly helping each country move its agenda forwards as well as lead to further knowledge sharing and long-term partnerships.

The UK-Nordic EV Hub is an open online seminar, free of charge, that addresses anyone interested in learning about the challenges and solutions in the three markets. The day aims to create increased international knowledge sharing on best practices and connect problem owners with solution providers. During the day, you will have the chance to learn about innovative solutions from the three markets, listen to panel discussions, and to attend networking sessions connected to the four topics led by inspirational actors in the field of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. You will also be given the chance to network through speed-dating and to schedule one-to-one meetings with other attendees.


Event date: 12th of October at 10-17 CET

Sign up to attend the event here and let know us if you are interested in hosting a networking session!

Link to registration https://hopin.com/events/uk-nordic-ev-hub  

The UK-Nordic EV Hub is hosted by Power Circle, in collaboration with the UK Science & Innovation Network, the Swedish Energy Agency, Innovate UK and Innovation Norway. The whole event will be in English.

Om Power Circle

Power Circle samlar den nya energibranschen kring viktiga framtidsfrågor. Tillsammans med cirka 90 partnerföretag verkar Power Circle för hållbar utveckling genom elektrifiering. Verksamheten inriktas på nätverk, kunskapsspridning och påverkan inom framtidsfrågor som smarta elnät, energilager, elektrifierade transporter och förnybar energi.


Johanna Barr
Tidigare anställd
Johanna Barr
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Simon Lundqvist
Tidigare anställd
Simon Lundqvist
Arbetar med frågor om e-mobilitet och smart laddning genom olika projekt och aktiviteter