2023-12-04 07:40Nyheter

Power Circle is now launching content in English

A power grid in sunset. On top of that three front pages of white papers being launched.

Today Power Circle launches three white papers in English, being translations of some of our most popular publications. At the same time we also announce an English page on our website to make us and our knowlegde more available.

– We are thrilled to introduce our English website and share our findings through these three white papers. Our goal is to reach a broader audience and contribute to the global conversation surrounding Sweden’s electrification. We know a lot of our partners have colleagues from other countries that have not been able to make use of our knowledge before, says Johanna Lakso, CEO at Power Circle. 

Power Circle is excited to announce the unveiling of its English website. The page presents the most essential information about Power Circle together with the three white papers. These white papers have been translated to provide a broader audience with insights into Sweden’s ongoing electrification and expertise on some of the most topical issues in the energy industry. 

Here are three brief presentations of the white papers:

Digitalization of the grid (2022) 

This white paper highlights Sweden's shift towards a digitalized electricity grid. The paper describes the progression from basic digital upgrades to advanced, autonomous grid systems, showcasing innovative applications like digital twins and smart resource management. Key findings indicate varied digitalization levels across grid companies. The report emphasizes the need for skilled employers and enhanced data analysis tools  to fully realize the potential of grid digitalization.

Read the white paper about digitalization here.  

Local flexibility markets (2022)

The white paper examines Sweden's development of local flexibility markets as a response to the increasing demand for grid flexibility. The paper details the differences of these markets, highlighting the roles of various stakeholders. It showcases pilot projects across six regions, addressing technical, financial, and regulatory challenges while underscoring the importance of enhanced cooperation, standardization, and incentives for market participants.

Read the white paper about local flexibility markets here.   

Electrification and charging of heavy trucks (2021)

This white paper focuses on the transition to electrified heavy transport in Sweden, essential for achieving a fossil-free fleet by 2045. The report highlights the rise of electric models suitable for local and regional use, underscores the importance of developing diverse charging infrastructures, including depots, semi-public, and public charging stations. The paper envisions a future with over 12,500 electric lorries supported by extensive charging networks by 2030.

Read the white paper about electrification of heavy trucks here. 

Om Power Circle

Power Circle samlar energibranschen kring viktiga framtidsfrågor. Tillsammans med våra cirka 100 partnerföretag verkar Power Circle för att accelerera den hållbara utvecklingen genom elektrifiering. Verksamheten inriktas på att bygga nätverk och kunskap inom framtidsfrågor som smarta elnät, flexibilitet, energilager och elektrifierade transporter.


Johanna Lakso
Verkställande Direktör
Johanna Lakso
Arbetar övergripande med framtidens elsystem, elektrifierade transporter och energilösningar med systemnytta